Have a Happy New Year 2019!

Have a Happy New Year 2019!

Hi friends, Have a Happy New Year 2019! As we all know January 1 is the first day of the year. This day is known as New Year Day since the day is the beginning of the year. Many of us celebrate New Year with crakers and sweets as it is holiday for everyone. As New Year is nearby we started to buy 2019 Calendars for next year. Why do we buy new calendars for New Year? New Year is a fresh year scientifically which means earth revolves around sun in our solar system after its single rotation in a year, again starts the rotation around the sun. Earth revolves around the sun single time for every year, so once its rotation is completed earth again continues to revolve around sun. That is why, the day which sun again starts its rotation is first day of the year is new year. Now let us discuss about calendar which is globally followed.   

The Gregorian Calendar is the most used calendar all over the world. It is named after Pope GregoryXIII who introduced at October 1582. Gregorian Calendar is the correction of Julian Calendar. Gregorian calendar is solar calendar with 12 months of 28–31 days each. A regular Gregorian year consists of 365 days, but in certain years known as leap years, a leap day is added to February. Gregorian years are identified by consecutive year numbers. The rule to find leap years is as follows:

Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for the years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years, but the year 2000 is leap year as it is divisible by 400.

Start your New Year with 2019 Calendars. Calendar is a powerful tool to promote your daliy life or business. Calendar helps us to plan our work on that day. Calendar also shows zodiac information for all 12 rashis for a particular day. Calendars also denotes important life quotes to live happily. Pranav Calendars are the top leading Calendar Manufacturer in Madurai and Sivakasi. Don't delay buy calendars in Pranav Calendars to make your next year with enthusiasm. Visit www.pranavcalendars.com right now. Contact Pranav Calendars using Mobile number +91 8489928773.


  1. I enjoyed your informative post. Thank you for sharing. You can also check our blog : new year calendars


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