Specialty of Calendars

Specialty of Calendars Hello friends, there is lot of specialty for Calendars which tells us lot of information. Nowadays mostly we use Gregorian Calendars worldwide it is also known as Western Calendar or Christian Calendar. The predecessor of Gregorian Calendar is Julian Calendar. The reason for Julian Calendar replaced to Gregorian Calendar is the Julian formula for calculating leap years is once in every four years is termed as leap year. But this makes too much of years as leap years hence Gregorian Calendars are replaced by Julian Calendars. Gregorian Calendar follows certain rules to predict leap year which is unique from other Calendars. Calendars tells the date of the year and auspicious information about the day or it's specialty. So friends Buy Calendars Online and know auspicious information about each day of the year. The rule for calculating leap year according to Gregorian Calendar is Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, exc...